Call For Submissions

Submission Deadline: March 15, 2023
Perspectives on Urban Education is an online, student-run journal produced by the Penn Graduate School of Education. For our Spring 2023 edition, Perspectives is looking for papers, commentaries, and notes from the field of urban education.
This edition does not have a specific theme, but we are looking in particular for submissions relating to the topics below:
- The use of multimodal approaches in critical pedagogy
- Problematizing family/parental/community “involvement” in schools & classroom
- The relationship between space and schooling in urban contexts
- Community-based education
- Alternative approaches to schooling
The mission of Penn GSE Perspectives on Urban Education is to provide an interactive forum to investigate critical issues in urban education. As such, we look for submissions from all stakeholders in urban education: researchers, parents, teachers, students, program workers, support personnel, and administration. We welcome a variety of submission types, including: voices from the field, commentaries, feature articles, and book reviews. For more information on word limits, format, and descriptions, see the link to our online portal below.
All submissions must have a direct or indirect connection to urban education, and all submissions will undergo peer-review.
Please submit through Perspectives at
For questions or additional information, please contact the Editors at: