The Paradox of Life as Surveyed by Death

This poem is about how peer pressure can cause people with diverse opinions and beliefs to silence themselves. They feel pressured and don't speak out because of the threatening eyes of others who don't reciprocate their feelings. I feel this myself, especially during the pandemic, where my views were ever-changing, just like how people saw me.
For some they will thrive
And others they’ll die
Some will be truthful
Others shall lie
For some it’s bliss
And others it’s fear
When they shall see me
The end is near
Few will rise
And stand up tall
Others blocked
Behind a shattering wall
Pain is love
And love is spite
Enough to make one
Sob through the night
Green is yellow
And yellow is blue
Colors are blinding
As I am to you
Words have power
Actions more
Especially when you’re dead
And on the floor.
An inevitable sorrow
Hidden in a field of dust
My spirit rises as the peace is washed away.
Excluded from my epiphany
Are the thoughts soaring through the clear skies
Of my crystal clear mind.
They know not of the struggles and darkness
Buried down underneath the land they trek
Screaming to be released by their ill
intentions and obliviousness. Life is not a
Not perfectly scripted in soulful hymns,
Instead it is written
Across paper of lies
The novel to be published
By those who destroyed its characters.
The corruption caused by the corrupters
Who the world is unable to identify
As the perpetrators
A cruel fate we are assigned
For the universe reads not in between the lines.
I’m not a poet
I'm not a poet
I just know how
to write. I'm not
an artist
I just color
between the lines.
I'm nothing special
That's what you think
Little do they know
I'm creating art each
Time that I blink.
I'm not a rebel
That's what they say
They have yet to
see the day When i
speak out of line
Say our world’s
not okay. I'm
nothing special
That's what I believe
Little do I know
I’ve got something
up my sleeve
Something great to
Silencencing these unspoken words
Most people turn
A blind eye to me.
I'm not anything special
Nothing they want to see.
A streak of madness across these
Wanderlust eyes
Subduing the sound of my inner cries.
Im old enough now to formulate opinions
Wondery why people make these decisions.
Why the rain beats down
Why the sun brings ashes to the ground.
When I look I stare not into space
But through your seemingly friendly face.
Masked are your intentions
Monsters you want not mention.
I see your cold smile the sun turned warm
But the moon steals it back under her pale touch.
You know when you see me that I know too much.
Your eyes gag my mouth so I cannot speak
Gazes turned like daggers towards me so I cannot shriek.
The world wants not what it doesn’t know
Telling me I’m wrong, my head moving slow.
As I fade to darkness and close my eyes
You assure the crowd there’s nothing to see here,
Lies, lies, lies.
Not even your motionary violence
Can silence
Our cries.