Education During the Pandemic

Beginning with the week of March 16th, 2020, school systems all across the globe went into crisis mode due to COVID-19, which had a major effect on many aspects of society. Looking directly at students, approximately 1,576,021,818 students were affected worldwide by the pandemic in all levels of education. Worldwide, 188 countries were forced to close schools and transition into online learning. Although these are statistics, there were students behind them who have stories to share how the current pandemic was affecting them that goes beyond just numbers. The story of education is highlighted largely on students from all over the world which students have to adjust, adapt, and change their lifestyles and learning environment to tailor to school and home life. Students bring into perspective the current education system and further analyze the necessary remodel of education in 2020.
For students all over, schools tried their best to provide as much as they can to their students and support them by any means necessary. Schools from all over provided students with computers, free internet, food service for breakfast and lunch, and online counseling/therapy. Although many schools and districts have done everything in their power to support students and families, many students I interviewed elucidated that many tools were not accessible to them during these rough times. Some students said that their school gave them everything they needed to have a smooth online experience, while others expressed the obstacles they faced during online schooling. One student, who attends a private catholic school here in Philadelphia explained that lacking a printer made it difficult for her to take notes in some of her classes. In Frankfurt, Germany however, some students who have the technology and the internet accessible at home are able to complete their classwork at ease, but there were students without that luxury in Frankfurt. Technology can be donated to schools for any students who may need a laptop, but that does not guarantee that everyone will receive a laptop or have access to the internet. Sadly, if students are found in a situation without a laptop or internet, they are unable to participate in online school.
There are many things that I think schools should have considered more during the pandemic. Resources like SAT/ACT tools and lessons should’ve been provided to better prepare students for upcoming tests later this year. Another issue that I noticed was the amount of work assigned each day. Many students noticed they were given more work during online school as compared to in-person schooling. I and many students felt that their teachers/professors were not considerate to their current circumstances. A college student that attends Temple University, explained that one of her family members came down with COVID-19, which made it really hard for her to juggle school and home life. There is a lot to be considered for the upcoming school year as we approach another quarter online, and I hope administrators will listen to their students.
Strauss, V. (2020) “Schools of More than 90 Percent of the World's Students Closed during This Pandemic. This Graphic Shows How Fast It Happened.” The Washington Post. 6 April 2020.
Interview, Conemaugh Township, PA, Public School, June 10, 2020
Interview, Piscataway Township, NJ, Private School, June 11, 2020
Interview, Frankfurt, Germany, Public School, June 10, 2020
Interview, Frankfurt, Germany, Public School, June 11, 2020
Interview, Philadelphia, PA, Private School, June 10, 2020
Interview, Philadelphia, PA, College, June 12, 2020